We Are Voting Yes For Our Union

We are a group of Bates College employees of all backgrounds working together to ensure that all Bates employees have a fair say at our institution, for ourselves and for our students.

Our support has grown organically among all of us who share a commitment to bettering Bates for all employees!

Are you passionate about our union? Share why you believe in a union at the bottom of the page to add your message!

  • Sam Boss (Harward Center)

    “Over the past few years, I have seen too many talented colleagues leave Bates because they felt unappreciated and frustrated to have little input on decisions that impacted their work. As staff and contingent faculty from across campus come together to form BESO, our union, we will gain a strong voice to advocate for a better student experience and a more supportive workplace environment.”

  • Darlene Zupancic (Dining)

    "To participate in decision-making and negotiate as an equal with the college, and so my co-workers can finally have a voice about topics we all care about, which will have a phenomenal impact on the entire Bates College community."

  • Ian Brownlie (Facilities)

    “I want to start a union to restore the collective voice of all those who do the heavy lifting required by the Bates experience and to hold policy and decision makers accountable to the principles of equity and inclusion not only in word but also in practice.”

  • Beth Woodward (Visual Arts & Culture)

    “Because I believe all Bates employees deserve the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect our working and teaching conditions. I care about my students and my coworkers, and coming together as a community around our shared concerns will help to make Bates a stronger and more equitable institution.”

  • Josh Rubin (Anthropology)

    “To stand together with a broad coalition of amazing and neglected people, to care about them and learn about their interests, and to find a common ground together across our differences. “

  • Olivia Orr (Communications)

    As a Black femme, I’ve been particularly frustrated by the revolving door of faculty and staff of color. Bates must take concrete, actionable steps towards changing the environment on campus. For students, I can’t imagine how disheartening it must be to see the support staff change year after year. If Bates chooses to center equity and inclusion in a meaningful way, there is no doubt in my mind that we’ll all be uplifted. I’m organizing because I believe in the Bates community. My colleagues across campus are an incredible bunch, and I’m continually amazed and impressed by the students. I want Bates to be a place where everyone feels heard, seen, and safe; we’ll all be better for it.

  • Julia Panepinto (Athletics)

    As a recent alum and current employee, my love for Bates and its community couldn’t be stronger. For that reason, I support forming our union. Bates is an incredible place to grow and learn, therefore I believe Bates itself can grow and learn. By forming our union, the Bates community will only grow stronger and I could not be prouder to be a part of it.

  • Joe Graziano (Dining)

    “Because I believe in my coworkers, and I believe in Bates and the students we serve. I believe that together we can help create a more satisfying, functional, and equitable community for all of us.”

  • Peter Osborne (Purposeful Work)

    “I'm helping build our union because I believe in Bates's potential to live up to its ideals. I think that can only happen, though, when all Bates workers have a real say in determining their working conditions and how to best serve current and future Bates students to come.”

  • Beth Malachowsky (Chemistry and Neuroscience, Campus Life)

    I support forming a union with each and every eligible coworker who wants to join, because Bates can be so much better than it already is. In the almost 5 years that I have been here, I have lost coworkers and friends who tried to work within the established systems, only to have their needs/issues (or their managers') unresolved, or worse yet, ignored. A democratic process, where all voices can be heard, respected, and contractually agreed upon, is exactly what we desperately need at Bates.

  • Ethan Miller (Environmental Studies)

    “I love teaching at Bates. But it doesn't feel right to teach about justice and democracy in an institution that doesn't live these values in it's everyday practice. I'm organizing with BESO because I believe that Bates can and must do better. We all benefit from having faculty who can fully commit to our work rather than teaching on perpetual, precarious one-year contracts, and from having staff who are treated with dignity and respect rather than as "human resources." Our union is about helping to shift Bates from being a mirror image of the world we need to change, to something much more like the world we hope to build.”

  • Marisa Melnick (Student Affairs)

    “I believe Unions are a critical addition to workplaces, edpcially in Higher Education where the adminstration has to balance many stakeholders. We can work together to support each other and our students, and make sure Bates employees are protected for years to come. “

  • Jon Michael Foley (Facilities)

    “I'm prepared to take on a career that has me in service to the Bates Community, but it has to be a fair exchange for me and the people around me. This work is as hard on our fingers and back as it is the trucks, and they're real beat up. By teaming up with BESO, I think the school’s most underprivileged staff will be stronger and better able to make Bates run.”

  • Keiko Konoeda (Asian Studies)

    “Because we all have ideas to make the college a better place for workers and students, and we are stronger together when we step out of the silos and care for each other in love. Contingent faculty need to have a collective and meaningful voice with no worries of even indirect influence on contract renewals, and so do all staff members.”

  • Jacob Ellis (Athletics)

    “Because truly believing in Bates means helping to make it the best institution it can be. Everybody in the Bates community matters and deserves a livable wage, a positive work environment, and a voice at the table.”

  • Eddie Szeman (Residence Life and Health Education)

    “Because I trust my colleagues and coworkers. When they say they care about one another, I trust them. When they say they care about our students and the mission of Bates, I trust them. And when they say that something isn’t right or that things can be better, I trust them. I’m fortunate to work at an institution that employs and educates passionate, talented, and caring people; and, I hope to never take this community for granted.”

  • Andrea Trumble (Academic Admin. Assistance)

    I love Bates and our community, that is why I support forming our union. My wish is that others feel as happy working here as I do. Staff or faculty—we are one Bates, one voice.

  • Francis Eanes (Environmental Studies)

    “Because whatever the issues are that most affect us (whether it’s low morale, pay, benefits, scheduling, job security, or how equity and inclusion get practiced) I’m convinced that giving everyone a say builds trust and strong relationships among ourselves, our students, and ultimately our whole campus community.”

  • Ellen Alcorn (Harward Center)

    “I believe Bates can best live up to its highest ideals only when we truly honor the collective wisdom of our community. This means allowing staff to have a real seat at the table when important decisions are being made. It means creating an environment where we can break out of our silos and build meaningful relationships across our differences and our departments and our divisions. It means cultivating the art of truly listening to one another. I believe forming our union can help us become an institution truly worthy of our mission.”

  • Myra Wright (English)

    "I belong to a community of innovative, introspective, and engaged workers at Bates. We can’t really serve as a place of learning until our labor is respected. I’m so proud to help build our union!"

Why are you excited to join us and vote yes for our union?

Share what motivates you to join us in forming BESO here! We want everyone to share the issues and experiences that inform what we all want to protect and improve through our union.

And be sure to let us know if you’re interested in getting more involved in building our union!